Archive for June, 2008

CDS Redux

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2008

I posted late yesterday regarding the CDS of the downgraded investment banks. In another piece from a different source, this dealer reports that 250 was the wide spread for the day in the Lehman name. That level did attract some short covering demand for the name. This dealer reported that ...

Some Opening Comments June 03 2008

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2008

Prices of Treasury coupon securities have posted modest gains in overnight trading as the turmoil which swept the markets yesterday persists. The market movements overnight are modest but the press is replete with stories which elevate fear to the forefront and impart an uncertain tone to the markets as the ...

The Only Perfect Edge Is In A Japanese Garden

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2008

The Wall Street Journal in a lengthy piece discusses the trials,tribulations and travails of Lehman Brothers. The Journal reports that the firm suffers from the very painful experience of having longs and shorts simultaneously underwater. That can be a painful and disorienting experience. The Wall Street Journal story reports that current ...

Treasury Recap

Monday, June 2nd, 2008

Prices of Treasury coupon securities surged today as credit woes resurfaced with a vengeance and the stock market cratered. (That is one of my favorite verbs and I do not think I have had a chance to use it here since the heady days in March when the world was ...

Lehman, Morgan Stanley and Merrill CDS

Monday, June 2nd, 2008

It is 350PM here in New York and about half an hour ago someone updated me with quotes on the the 5 year CDS of the aforementioned counterparties.  In case the market has moved I wanted to put the quotes in some context. Lehman CDS was about 20 wider on the day ...

Agency Market

Monday, June 2nd, 2008

Agency spreads were wider by 2 basis points to 2 ½ basis points today. Some of the widening was a response to widening elsewhere and some was a response to supply. FNMA announced $4billion 2 year notes and $4billion 5 year notes which will price later in the week.


Monday, June 2nd, 2008

Mortgages are about 3 ½ basis points wider to the treasury curve and about 2 ½ basis points wider to swaps. Late in the day there was servicer buying and end user buying of low coupons. Foreign accounts spent the day (mostly) on the sidelines.The spread widening which occured was ...

Corporate Bonds

Monday, June 2nd, 2008

Corporate bond spreads as measured by the IG 10 are wider by 5 basis points to 6 basis points today. They opened about 3 ½ basis points wider and have slowly leaked as equities stumbled. Cash market spreads are about 2 basis points to 3 basis points wider in quiet ...

Agency Musings

Monday, June 2nd, 2008

One dealer notes that agency debt has begun to under perform Treasury benchmarks and swaps. The agencies have been given permission and leeway to bulk up their balance sheets and it looks as though Freddie Mac is in the process of doing just that.Total debt outstanding for Freddie Mac was ...

Corporate Bond Thoughts

Monday, June 2nd, 2008

I just read a brief research piece from a dealer on the prospects for corporate bond spreads.I do not know if the author intended to do so but in the short piece he made the case for wider spreads as well as tighter spreads. The case for wider spreads hinges on ...