Credit Pipeline

August 26th, 2016 5:42 am

Via Bloomberg:

2016-08-26 09:33:10.669 GMT

By Robert Elson
(Bloomberg) — LATEST UPDATES

* Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (SAUDI), may raise more than $10b
following roadshows in late Sept.
* Said to have hired 6 banks to lead first intl bond sale
(July 14)
* Korea National Oil (KOROIL) Aa2/AA, has mandated
C/GS/HSBC/SG/KDB/UBS for investor meetings to begin Sept. 6;
144a/Reg-S deal may follow
* Pfizer (PFE) A1/AA, to buy Medivation (MDVN) for ~$14b;
expects to finance deal with existing cash
* Moody’s maintained its negative outlook on PFE, saying
low cash levels may “lead to future debt issuance for
US cash needs.”
* Couche-Tard (ATDBCN) Baa2/BBB, expects to sell USD bonds
related to ~$4.4b acquisition of CST Brands (CST) Ba3/BB
* NongHyup Bank (NACF) A1/A+, mandates C/CA/HSBC/JPM/Nom/UBS
to hold investor meetings Aug. 29-Sept. 1; 144a/Reg-S deal
may follow
* Enbridge (ENBCN) Baa2/BBB+, files $7b mixed shelf Aug.22;
$350m maturies Oct. 1
* General Electric Company’s plan to take on additional $20b
of debt could pressure ratings, Moody’s says
* Industrial Bank of Korea (INDKOR) Aa2/AA-, mandates HSBC/Nom
for roadshow from Aug. 22; 144a/Reg-S deal may follow
* Cabot Corp (CBT) Baa2/BBB, filed debt shelf; last priced a
new deal in 2012, has $300m maturing Oct. 1
* Israel Electric (ISRELE) Baa2/BBB-; said to hire C, JPM for
at least $500m bond sale in 4Q


* Sumitomo Life (SUMILF) A3/BBB+; investor mtg July 19
* Woori Bank (WOORIB) A2/A-; mtgs July 11-20


* Analog Devices (ADI) A3/BBB; ~$13.2b Linear Technology acq
* To raise nearly $7.3b debt for deal (July 26)
* Bayer (BAYNGR) A3/A-; said to review Monsanto (MON) A3/BBB+
accounts as bid weighed (Aug. 4)
* $63b financing said secured w/ $20b-$30b bonds seen
* Danone (BNFP) Baa1/BBB+; ~$12.1b WhiteWave (WWAV) Ba2/BB
* Co. Says deal 100% debt-financed, expects to keep IG
profile (July 7)
* Thermo Fisher (TMO) Baa3/BBB; ~$4.07b FEI acq
* $6.5b loans, including $2b bridge (July 4)
* Zimmer Biomet (ZBH) Baa3/BBB; ~$1b LDR acq
* Plans $750m issuance post-completion (June 7)
* Air Liquide (AIFP) A3/A-; ~$13.2b Airgas acq
* Plans to refi $12b loan backing acq via USD/EUR debt
(June 3)
* Great Plains Energy (GXP) Baa2/BBB+; ~$12.1b Westar acq
* $8b committed debt secured for deal (May 31)
* Abbott (ABT) A2/A+; ~$5.7b St. Jude buy, ~$3.1b Alere buy
* $17.2b bridge loan commitment (April 28)
* Sherwin-Williams (SHW) A2/A; ~$9.3b Valspar buy
* $8.3b debt financing expected (March 20)
* Shire (SHPLN) Baa3/BBB-; ~$35.5b Baxalta buy
* Closed $18b Baxalta acq loan (Feb 11)


* IBM (IBM) Aa3/AA-; automatic mixed shelf (July 26)
* Nike (NKE) A1/AA-; automatic debt shelf (July 21)
* Potash Corp (POT) A3/BBB+; debt shelf; last issued March
2015 (June 29)
* Tesla Motors (TSLA); automatic debt, common stk shelf (May
* Debt may convert to common stk
* Reynolds American (RAI) Baa3/BBB filed automatic debt shelf;
sold $9b last June (May 13)
* Statoil (STLNO) Aa3/A+; debt shelf; last issued USD Nov.
2014 (May 9)
* Corporate Office (OFC) Baa3/BBB-; debt shelf (April 12)
* Rogers (RCICN) Baa1/BBB+; $4b debt shelf (March 4)


* Visa (V) A1/A+; CFO says will issue $2b debt for buybacks by
yr end (July 21)
* Investment Corp of Dubai (INVCOR); weighs bond sale (July 4)
* Alcoa (AA) Ba1/BBB-; upstream entity to borrow $1b (June 29)
* GE (GE) A3/AA-; may issue despite no deals this yr (June 1)
* Discovery Communications (DISCA) Baa3/BBB-; may revisit bond
market this yr, BI says (May 18)
* American Express (AXP) A3/BBB+; plans ~$3b-$7b term debt
issuance (April)

CPI in Japan Falls for 5th Consecutive Month

August 26th, 2016 5:35 am

Via Bloomberg:

Japan’s CPI Falls for 5th Month, Raising Pressure on Kuroda
Toru Fujioka
August 25, 2016 — 7:35 PM EDT
Updated on August 26, 2016 — 1:05 AM EDT

Consumer prices in Japan fell for a fifth straight month, underscoring the central bank’s struggle to spur inflation to its 2 percent target. Friday’s figures are the last reading on this key measure before Governor Haruhiko Kuroda and his board consider a possible policy revamp at their next meeting on Sept. 20-21.

QuickTake Abenomics
Key Points

Consumer prices excluding fresh food, the Bank of Japan’s core gauge, dropped 0.5 percent in July from a year earlier (estimate -0.4 percent).
Decline was the biggest since March 2013, the same month Kuroda became BOJ governor.
Consumer prices overall slipped 0.4 percent (estimate -0.4 percent).
Consumer prices excluding food and energy rose 0.3 percent (estimate +0.4 percent).

Big Picture

After more than three years of unprecedented monetary stimulus, the BOJ is no closer to its price target and investors are asking whether the central bank is running up against the limits of its effectiveness. Kuroda has ordered a comprehensive assessment of policy that may result in further monetary easing, according to economists surveyed by Bloomberg. The yen’s gains this year, weak exports and fragile consumer spending at home are adding to the BOJ’s woes.
Economist Takeaways

“Given Kuroda has said he will act if the price target is in danger, today’s data confirms he has to take action again,” said Nobuyasu Atago, chief economist at Okasan Securities, previously head of the BOJ’s price statistics division. “The strong yen is a big factor dragging on price growth and that is expected to continue.”
“The problem for the BOJ is, the Bank of Japan has pretty much exhausted all of its monetary policy tools to reflate the economy,” said Takuji Okubo, chief economist at Japan Macro Advisors.

The Details

The BOJ released an alternative index that excludes fresh food and energy later Friday. It showed prices rose 0.5 percent in July.
The yen has gained about 20 percent in 2016 against the dollar, reducing inflationary pressures from imports while hurting export-dependent companies.
This month’s statistics reflect an adjustment in the base year for the price data to 2015, from 2010 previously.
The BOJ current forecast for when it expects to reach its 2 percent inflation target is sometime in fiscal year ending in March 2018.

UK Consumer Confidence Rebounds Post Brexit

August 26th, 2016 5:16 am

Via Bloomberg:

  • Sentiment rebounds from 3-year low in aftermath of referendum
  • Britons yet to feel tangible impact of vote: YouGov’s Harmston

U.K. consumer confidence rose the most in more than three years this month as the initial shock from Britain’s decision to leave the European Union faded.

An index of sentiment by YouGov and the Centre for Economics and Business Research jumped to 109.8 from 106.6 in July, which was a three-year low. The gauge is still below the level it was a year ago.

While the Brexit vote initially knocked sentiment, it’s not yet clear how this might ripple into economic activity. The Bank of England took pre-emptive action in early August, cutting interest rates and restarting quantitative easing to counter any slowdown. Measures of household confidence plunged in July, while retail sales actually surged that month as warm weather fueled food and clothing sales.

“For all the talk of doom and gloom — both in the months leading up to the referendum and in the days following it — most consumers have yet to feel much tangible impact of the vote,” said Stephen Harmston, head of reports at YouGov. “It’s clear that the panic that gripped the public in the immediate aftermath of the referendum has subsided as institutions like the Bank of England take decisive action and the result becomes a part of life.”

The economy could still take a real hit from Brexit. The BOE cut its 2017 growth forecast to 0.8 percent this month, just one third of the pace it previously predicted. “Everything could change once details of the deal to leave the EU emerge and the process of extracting ourselves from the Union become a reality,” Harmston said.

Healthcare Spending Takes Pound of Flesh From Middle Class

August 26th, 2016 5:08 am

Via WSJ:
By Anna Louie Sussman
Updated Aug. 25, 2016 7:22 p.m. ET

Growth in overall health-care spending is slowing, but middle-class families’ share of the tab is getting larger, squeezing households already feeling stretched financially.

Overall, health-care spending across the economy reached 18.2% of gross domestic product as of June, up from 13.3% in 2000, according to Altarum Institute, a health research group.

However, the mix of who pays has evolved. The government has taken on a larger share in recent years as more people age into Medicare, and the Affordable Care Act expanded Medicaid and provided subsidies for low-income people buying insurance on state exchanges. Middle-class households are finding more of their health-care costs are coming out of their own pockets.

David Cutler, a Harvard health-care economist, said this may be “a story of three Americas.” One group, the rich, can afford health care easily. The poor can access public assistance. But for lower middle- to middle-income Americans, “the income struggles and the health-care struggles together are a really potent issue,” he said.

A June Brookings Institution study found middle-income households now devote the largest share of their spending to health care, 8.9%, a rise of more than three percentage points from 1984 to 2014.

By 2014, middle-income households’ health-care spending was 25% higher than what they were spending before the recession that began in 2007, even as spending fell for other “basic needs” such as food, housing, clothing and transportation, according to an analysis for The Wall Street Journal by Brookings senior fellow Diane Schanzenbach. These households cut back sharply on more discretionary categories like dining out and clothing.

Workers aren’t the only ones feeling the pain of rising health-care costs. Employers still typically pay roughly 80% of individual health-insurance premiums, a share that has held fairly steady in the past five years, thanks in part to changing plan designs that shift more costs to workers, said Beth Umland, director of research on health and benefits at Mercer US Inc.

For many of the 55% of Americans under 65 covered through an employer, plans are getting stingier.

The Kaiser Family Foundation, a health-care research nonprofit, found deductibles for individual workers have soared in the past five years, rising 67% since 2010 without adjusting for inflation, roughly seven times earnings growth over the same period. A separate Kaiser analysis of tens of millions of insurance claims found patient cost-sharing rose by 77% between 2004 and 2014, driven by a 256% jump in deductible payments.

“The growth in deductibles for workers shows no sign of slowing,” said Larry Levitt, senior vice president at the foundation. “What consumers have been paying has been going up much faster than wages. Even people who are insured are having problems paying medical bills.”

Rising out-of-pocket health-care costs, combined with slow economic growth and years of tepid wage growth, pose risks for an economy in which consumer spending accounts for more than two-thirds of overall output, economists say. In 2015, 8% of Americans’ household spending went toward health care, up from 5.8% in 2007, according to the Labor Department.

Health care costs are “eating up a larger share, and it means less money for other things,” said Diane Swonk of consultancy DS Economics.

Economists say the increased burden on middle-class households may be partially responsible for a broader moderation in health spending, as they use health care more judiciously.

That is the case for Cindy Sikkema, a 47-year-old writer in Boise, Idaho. When her husband’s employer eliminated their previous health-insurance plan, they chose one of the company’s new offerings for its lower monthly premiums, despite a deductible of $6,850. After getting hit last year by a $1,500 bill for a diagnostic mammogram, they choose carefully when to see a doctor.

“Just to step into the office it’s $180 to see the doctor,” she said, instead of a $20 or $30 co-pay under the old plan. “We’re feeling the impact of every little medical decision we make, because it’s all straight out of our pocket first.”

For the Sikkema family, their higher health-care costs have meant avoiding buying anything new in favor of shopping at consignment stores and garage sales. She and her husband will skip travel overseas this year and go camping instead. They spend more time fishing and elk hunting to avoid buying meat at the supermarket.

“It’s not like we’re spending tens of thousands more, but it’s just enough that it changes everything,” said Ms. Sikkema, acknowledging the impact was as much psychological as financial.

In addition, price increases for prescription drugs have been accelerating. The average price of brand-name drugs rose 16.2% in 2015, and is up 98.2% since 2011, according to drug-benefits manager Express Scripts Holding Co.

While prescription drugs are a relatively small share of national health-care spending, roughly 10% in 2015 according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, they’re “a very visible expense for consumers,” Mr. Levitt said.

In the 15 years since B.J. Welborn, 66, started taking the leukemia medication Gleevec, its list price has risen from under $24,000 for a year’s supply, to over $121,400, according to drugmaker Novartis. Now on Medicare, Ms. Welborn has a co-pay of $491 for a 30-day supply of Gleevec, seven times the co-pay on her old Blue Cross Blue Shield plan. She estimates she now pays between $11,000 and $12,000 a year for the drug.

“I look at my college roommates…they’re traveling, they go see their grandchildren, they go to Europe,” she said. “I did not picture retirement as a trip into anxiety and sometimes fear. I thought I was set.”

Write to Anna Louie Sussman at [email protected]

Giant Japan Pension Fund Takes Hit in Q2

August 26th, 2016 5:02 am

Via Bloomberg:
World’s Biggest Pension Fund Loses $52 Billion in Stock Rout
Yuko Takeo
Shigeki Nozawa
August 26, 2016 — 2:30 AM EDT
Updated on August 26, 2016 — 3:16 AM EDT

Japan’s GPIF wipes out all gains since shift to shares
Investment losses are no reason to change strategy: Sera


The world’s biggest pension fund posted a $52 billion loss last quarter as stocks tumbled and the yen surged, wiping out all investment gains since it overhauled its strategy by boosting shares and cutting bonds.

Japan’s Government Pension Investment Fund lost 3.9 percent, or 5.2 trillion yen ($52 billion), in the three months ended June 30, reducing assets to 129.7 trillion yen, it said in Tokyo on Friday. That erases a 4.1 trillion yen investing return for the previous six quarters starting October 2014, the month it decided to put half its assets into equities.

The quarterly decline follows a 5.3 trillion yen loss in the fiscal year through March, the worst annual performance since the global financial crisis. After benefiting from a surge in Japanese equities and a weaker yen earlier in Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s term, GPIF has posted losses as domestic stocks tumble and gains in the currency reduce the value of overseas assets. Still, for Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank Ltd., that’s no reason to veer from the current approach.

“Since its investments are tied to market moves, it’s natural that this would happen and there’s no point looking at it with a short-term view,” said Ayako Sera, a Tokyo-based market strategist at the bank. “GPIF is so big that its losses look huge even though the fluctuations in its investments just mirror the market.”

The fund’s Japanese shares sank 7.4 percent in the period as the benchmark Topix index lost 7.5 percent. More than 80 percent of GPIF’s local equity investments are passive. Overseas stocks lost 7.8 percent, while foreign debt fell 8 percent, as the yen surged 9.1 percent against the dollar. The only asset class to post a profit was domestic bonds, which rose in value as the Bank of Japan’s negative interest rates sent yields lower.


“We invest with a long-term view,” President Norihiro Takahashi said in a statement Friday. “Even if market prices fluctuate in the short term, it won’t damage pension beneficiaries. We are also strengthening risk management and continuing to hire experts.”


GPIF held 21 percent of investments in local stocks at the end of June, and 39 percent in domestic bonds. Overseas equities made up 21 percent of assets, while foreign debt accounted for 13 percent. Alternative investments were 0.05 percent of holdings, down from 0.06 percent at the end of March. GPIF targets allocations of 25 percent each for Japanese and overseas stocks, 35 percent for local bonds and 15 percent for foreign debt.

In a briefing about the results, GPIF official Shinichiro Mori said he was more positive about the outlook for returns this quarter. The Topix has climbed 3.4 percent since the start of July.

“The U.K.’s decision on Brexit was a surprise for the market, but it has mostly priced that in and calmed down,” Mori said. “Stocks are on the verge of rebounding. Still, the yen is continuing to trade sideways against the dollar, so we are cautiously watching

Wall of Worry Dismantled

August 25th, 2016 5:51 pm

Via Barron’s:

Hulbert on Markets

Uh Oh, the Wall of Worry Just Came Tumbling Down

Whenever market timers have been this bullish in the past, the market was headed for a fall.

Updated Aug. 25, 2016 11:36 a.m. ET

Getty Images

Bullishness on Wall Street has soared over the past two months as the stock market has climbed to all-time highs.

Some might even call the prevailing mood “irrational exuberance.”

Regardless of what you call it, it bodes ill for the stock market’s near-term future, according to contrarian analysis. It means that the “Wall of Worry” that bull markets like to climb has largely — if not completely — disappeared. In short, the theory is that if everyone is bullish, there is no one left to buy, and the sellers can take control.

Consider the average recommended exposure level among a subset of short-term market timers who focus on the Nasdaq stock market (as measured by the Hulbert Nasdaq Newsletter Sentiment Index, or HNNSI). Since that market responds especially quickly to changes in investor mood, and because those timers are themselves quick to shift their recommended exposure levels, the HNNSI is my most sensitive barometer of investor sentiment.

This average currently stands at 80.6%, having recently gotten as high as 83.3%. That reading is higher than the highest level to which the HNNSI rose at the tops of the last four bull markets. The average of those sentiment peaks was 60%, far below today’s levels.

An equally telling contrast: The HNNSI fell to minus-55.56% in the panic selling after the U.K. Brexit referendum, indicating that the average Nasdaq-focused market timer was allocating more than half his equity portfolios to going short — an aggressive bet that the market would continue falling.

Contrarians, on the contrary, forecasted a powerful rally, which of course is precisely what ensued.

But with the HNNSI nearly 140 percentage points higher today than then, contrarians have long since stopped singing a bullish tune.

To be sure, extreme levels of bullish sentiment don’t immediately doom the market. On average since I began tracking the investment newsletter industry in the 1980s, bullish sentiment reached its peak between two and three weeks prior to the market itself. This is an average, however, and in some cases the lead time was greater; the longest since the mid-1980s was nine weeks.

Recent high sentiment readings have persisted since mid-July. The HNNSI has been above 70% since July 12, in fact; far from falling, the stock market has held its own. The Dow Jones Industrial Average today is up 0.7% since then; the Nasdaq is 3.7% higher.

Note that even though the five weeks since mid-July are longer than the average lead time between sentiment peak and market top, the elapsed time is still very much within the historical range of past tops. And that means stock market risk is very much above average right now.

Consider the stock market’s returns on those past occasions when the HNNSI was also high. Since 2009, the Wilshire 5000 index has produced an average one-month return of just 0.6% whenever the HNNSI was above 70%. In contrast, whenever the sentiment index was below zero, the subsequent one-month gain averaged 3.3%. An even bigger contrast emerged at the three-month horizon.

These differences are highly significant, at the 95% confidence level that statisticians typically use to determine that a pattern is genuine.

Is there any way the stock market can wriggle out from underneath the indicator’s discouraging message? Of course. Not all measures of sentiment are showing extreme bullishness right now (though most are showing above-average optimism). And, to be sure, sentiment is not the only thing that makes the world go ‘round.

It’s also worth noting that the HNNSI’s extreme could be worked off by an extended trading range market rather than a severe decline. It would take longer in that scenario for the Wall of Worry to be rebuilt, of course, but after a long-enough period in which the market goes nowhere, the bulls would begin to throw in the towel.

A quicker resolution of today’s extreme bullishness would be for a short but severe market drop that reacquaints traders with fear rather than their current greed. If and when that happens, contrarians will return to the bullish camp.

Yellen Preview

August 25th, 2016 3:11 pm

Via Stephen Stanley at Amherst Pierpont Securities:

Fed Chair Yellen has been silent since her semi-annual Congressional testimony in June.  To put that in perspective, the last time we heard from her was just before the Brexit vote.  Clearly, a lot has happened since then, so market participants are extremely eager to get an updated assessment of the near-term monetary policy outlook from the Fed Chair when she addresses the annual Jackson Hole Economic Symposium tomorrow morning.

Unfortunately, if market participants are expecting her speech to feature a detailed blow-by-blow account of the current economic situation and near-term policy prognosis, they are likely to be sorely disappointed.  Jackson Hole is an academic seminar and after it went Hollywood a bit under Greenspan and Bernanke, Chair Yellen and KC Fed President George (the host) have sought to get back to a more scholarly approach with a lower profile with respect to the press and market participants.  Thus, it is important to put what you hear in context.  The theme for the weekend is “Designing Resilient Monetary Policy Frameworks for the Future.”  Moreover, Yellen’s speech topic is “The Federal Reserve’s Monetary Policy Toolkit.”  Obviously, this is more of a long-term topic, and I expect the sessions (and Yellen’s speech) to focus primarily on a very broad discussion of how the Fed can navigate a world where equilibrium interest rates are lower and thus the zero bound may come into play more often.  SF Fed President Williams posted an Economic Letter at the beginning of last week that spoke directly to this topic.  Market participants concluded, based on a couple of newswire headlines (most notably, Williams suggesting that the Fed should debate whether to raise its inflation target to create more distance from the zero bound), that Williams had become a raging dove.  When he gave a speech on the near-term outlook a few days later, it was discovered that the “dovish” label was woefully misapplied, as he argued for a rate hike “sooner rather than later.”

The Williams episode offers a key lesson for market participants heading into Yellen’s speech.  Just because she discusses a lower long-term equilibrium interest rate does not mean that she wants to leave the funds rate at 0.375% for the foreseeable future.  Keep in mind that the latest set of FOMC projections put the long-run neutral funds rate at 3.75%.  So, the fact that the Fed is likely to revise that figure down in the coming quarters is no reason for the bond market to rally, especially given that the markets are already pricing for what strikes me as a ridiculously dovish scenario (fed funds and Eurodollar futures are pricing in only half of a quarter-point tightening per year for as far as the eye can see).  And just because Yellen talks about the tools the FOMC might use to deal with another brush with the zero bound in the next cycle should not be interpreted as evidence that the Fed never intends to raise rates again in the current cycle.  However, I fear that may be exactly what the market reaction is at 10:01 tomorrow.

In a vacuum, that might have been the end of my preview.  However, the set-up for tomorrow simply begs for Yellen to digress from her announced topic and talk at least a little bit about the current policy landscape for two reasons.  First, she has been silent for over two months.   People desperately want to know what she thinks.  Second, several of her closest colleagues on the FOMC, Dudley, Williams, and Fischer, have spoken about the near-term outlook in the past two weeks and were all more hawkish than the markets expected.  Each of them left the distinct impression that the FOMC wants to get another rate hike in before the end of the year, though of course no one is willing to get pinned down on timing.  Yellen has been around long enough to know that if she says nothing about the current situation, market participants will likely interpret that as an implicit disagreement with the developing FOMC consensus.  Mind you, she does not have to say very much or get very specific.  A mere paragraph on the current situation that ends with “if the data are consistent with our expectations, a rate hike may be warranted before year-end.”  Certainly, if the Fed Chair had decided that she wanted to push for a September rate rise, then, of course, she would almost be compelled to send a strong signal tomorrow.  I highly doubt that Yellen is going to favor a move at next month’s FOMC meeting, though there will clearly be a number of participants pushing for one (8 out of the 12 Fed Bank Boards asked for a discount rate hike in advance of the July FOMC meeting).  I continue to believe that the Fed will go in December instead, but if Yellen fails to sustain the notion that a rate hike this year is a reasonable bet, then traders are likely to conclude that she is content to stand pat for the rest of the year, especially if her discussion of the longer-run prospects for policy has a dovish tone (low neutral rates, zero bound, etc.).  A scenario where Yellen abstains from providing any near-term policy guidance, which I think has a probability of significantly above zero, would risk creating a much larger version of the unnecessary round trip in market rates/Fed expectations that occurred last week on Williams’ two releases.

Overnight Data Preview

August 25th, 2016 12:19 pm

Via Robert Sinche at Amherst Pierpont Securiies:

S. KOREA: The Consumer Confidence index rebounded 2 points to 101 in July and has been close to 100 all year, surprising stability given some of the political and economic uncertainties in the region.

JAPAN: The Bberg consensus expects the Headline CPI for July to have held at -0.4% YOY while the Core CPI slipped to 0.4% YOY from 0.5% in June;l that reading would match the low since late 2013.

EURO ZONE: The monthly Monetary Report will be watched for any impact of negative rates and asset purchases on borrowing/lending activity; Household Lending activity has been slowing in recent months.

GERMANY: The Bberg consensus expects the GfK Consumer Confidence reading to hold at 10.0 for September, still close to the record high 10.2 set in June 2015.

FRANCE: The Bberg consensus expects 2Q Real GDP to be confirmed at unchanged QOQ and 1.4% YOY and for Consumer Confidence to have held at a relatively high 96 in August.

SPAIN: The Bberg consensus expects Real Retail Sales growth to have slowed to “only” 4.3% YOY in July from an explosive 5.6% YOY in June.

UK: The Bberg consensus expects 2Q Real GDP to be confirmed at 0.6% QOQ and 2,2% YOY.

Seven Year Note Auction Preview

August 25th, 2016 9:51 am

Via Ian Lyngen:

We are cautiously optimistic about this afternoon’s $28 bn 7-year auction and see the risks favoring a modest stop-through.  Following the strong 2- and 5-year receptions and with the upcoming month-end duration demand nearing on the horizon, we’re anticipating solid non-dealer participation. With an average of 22% of the 7-year going to foreign bidders (a proportion that has increased lately), we’ll suggest that overseas participation is the biggest wildcard this afternoon – more so than the broader bull flattening tone in Treasuries or performance in risk assets.  On the other hand, there is the absence of any meaningful outright concession and the WI currently is suggesting the second lowest yielding new 7-year since April 2013, a dynamic that might keep otherwise active investors sidelined. In addition, it warrants acknowledging that 7s are just shy of the richest they have been on the curve vs. 3s/10s since H1 2013, although in light of the downward pressure on the market’s terminal Fed funds rate estimates we’re not surprised to see a continuation of the trend toward belly outperformance on this fly.

• 7-year auctions have recently seen strong receptions, stopping-through at four of the five most recent auctions for an average of 0.6 bp.

• Investment Fund buying has increased recently, taking 53% or $14.9 bn during the last four auctions vs. 50% or $14.3 bn at the prior four.

• Foreign bidding has been increasing, averaging 22% at the last four auctions vs. 18% at the prior four. Foreign investors initially bought $12.9 bn (45%) of the maturing 7-year; top of the range.

• Maturities for this week’s trio of auctions are $86.9 bn, leaving a net cash need of just $1.1 bn – lowest on record for this series of auctions and arguably contributed to the strength of 2s and 5s.

• Technicals are mixed for the 7-year sector ahead of Yellen’s much anticipated Jackson Hole speech tomorrow. Stochastics are marginally constructive with room to extend further in favor of a rally. For initial resistance we’re watching this week’s low yield print at 1.371% before the 40-day moving-average at 1.349%.  Break that and there is an opening gap at 1.288% to 1.292%.  For support we like the twice-held high yield-close of 1.426% ahead of Monday’s yield peak of 1.457%.  Beyond there we’ll focus on the Brexit-day opening gap at 1.503% to 1.550%.

Data Analysis

August 25th, 2016 9:42 am

Via Stephen Stanley at Amherst Pierpont Securities:

Durable goods orders were stronger than expected in July, though the overall picture remains far from buoyant.  The overall figure jumped by 4.4%, essentially reversing the 4.2% June drop.  Most of the swing reflected huge moves in the volatile defense and aircraft categories.  Excluding those two sectors, orders increased by 1.0% last month on top of a 0.5% gain in June, the first back-to-back rises in a year.  Similarly, the ex-transportation component jumped by 1.5% last month.  This could be an inkling of hope for the business sector.  Manufacturing activity should do a bit better going forward as the albatross of the 15% strengthening of the dollar in late 2014/early 2015 fades from view, and these data seem to be joining the ISM survey results and industrial production in confirming some improvement.  Still, it would be premature to get overly excited, as total and core durable goods orders are still significantly negative on a year-over-year basis.

Core capital goods orders also give a reason for hope, as the tally jumped by 1.6% in July on top of June’s 0.5% increase, the biggest monthly advance since January (and the highest level since January).  Again, however, while I am hopeful, it is more of a light at the end of the tunnel thing than a watershed moment.  Core capital goods shipments declined in July for a third straight month and have risen only once in 10 months.  Thus, while things may get better in future quarters, the implications for Q3 GDP are not good.  I am looking for business equipment spending to continue declining for the rest of this year, reflecting election uncertainty as well as the longstanding soft backdrop.  The news today at the margin bodes well for the future, but we are not likely to see the strength showing up in activity just yet.

Meanwhile, initial unemployment claims fell by 1,000 to 261,000 in the week ended August 20, marking a 5th straight reading in the 260Ks.  The number of new filers in Louisiana did rise by almost 2K (the number of claims statewide almost doubled from the prior week), so the impact of flooding did begin to feed through, but I think when all is said and done, the tragic flooding in my home state of Louisiana will probably have a modest influence on the national claims figures.